One of the more challenging trainings in BT is learning how to properly employ your gas mask. How to use it isn't the challenge so much as the events associated with its use. To this day, putting on a gas mask feels automatic for me: Step 1-don the mask Step 2- cover the filters and clear the mask Step 3-seal the mask Step 4-while waving your arms, shout 'gas' three times in order to alert others You're supposed to be able to complete all of these steps in nine seconds or less and you better hope you can do this. While on a night patrol, I expected to see an aerial flare since we'd just had a class about this and how such a flare indicated an imminent gas attack. As DIs were running through the forest to get ahead of and ambush us, I popped one button on my mask carrier so I could get it out as soon as possible. Then, boom! The entire sky lit up and I smelled gas immediately! I had my mask out, on, cleared, and sealed in what couldn't have been ...