A Dangerous Cat!

This is a wanted poster for my mother's cat which is guilty of many crimes.  You can identify it by the five toes it has just like the Hemingway cats.


  1. He/she's really cute!!! He/she has stunning yellow eyes! I love black cats!!! I just don't understand how people can't see how beautiful they are. Many crimes? I can't believe you, he's really sweet...well, I hope so. What's his/her name?

  2. Her name is Spooky but she IS very dangerous in that she likes to scratch and bite!

  3. Does she like to bite and scratch furniture? Or people??!!!

  4. Mostly people and she's very demanding when we eat our meals. She jumps on the table and tries to eat out of our plates!

  5. So strange...maybe you mother's cat thinks she is the boss :) Is she an outdoor or an indoor cat? How old is she?

  6. She's an indoor cat about two years old. Very, very brave and picks on the other cat!


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