New Year's Resolutions and Other Things

Once again, it is that time of year to put forth some New Year's resolutions.  First and foremost, I wish to post more!  I've had this blog for about 10 years now but am sometimes lazy in maintaining it.  Next, I want to improve my physical health through working out more often.  I can't just take it for granted anymore especially as I get older.  Finally, I want to keep traveling especially to Latin America which I had completely ignored until about two years ago.  I wish I'd discovered that area of the world sooner but, as they say, better late than never.  I'll think of other resolutions as the days go by . . .

I just realized that, of my adult life, I have lived outside the US for approximately 17 years.  That number is due to increase in the coming years after I retire (in about four years) and move far, far away.  I truly look forward to those days.

Happy New Year to all!  


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