Notre Dame O'Shaughnessy Hall

I had to visit the building where I'd attended most of my classes.  Its name is O'Shaughnessy Hall and is where the College of Arts and Letters is located.  In picture #1, you can see the main entryway of the building.  The 2nd pic reveals the hallway leading to the Classics Department on the second floor.  Now, this is interesting.  I'd heard over the years the Classics Department had expanded from having one of the smallest enrollments when I was there to being one of the bigger departments in the College.  In the final picture, you can see an entire hallway dedicated to its offices and meeting rooms.  I didn't see any other department with comparable space as I toured the rest of the building.  It's good to know that the Classics still has a strong presence at least at my university.

P.S. I ran into my former professor working hard in her office in that hallway.  We had coffee while catching up the next day.


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